CXC Properties

Physical pixel size 48 µm × 48 µm × 450 µm
Number of physical pixels 264 × 264 (69,696) image area
264 × 528 (139,392) image & frame store area
Active area 12.7 mm × 12.7 mm (161 mm2)
12.7 mm × 25.3 mm (321 mm2) image & frame store area
Frame rate up to 1,000 Hz (264 × 264 pixel)
Pixel readout rate     up to 70 MegaPixels/s
Binning mode  up to 8-fold binning
Windowing mode 24 × 264 pixels (smallest window)
Externally triggerable yes
Readout noise (rms)     ENC typ. 3e- / pixel at 100Hz, 200Hz
ENC typ. 4e- / pixel at 400Hz
ENC typ. 8e- / pixel at 1000Hz
Energy resolution typ. 145 eV for Mn-Kα
Sub-pixel spatial resolution Δx < 15 µm (rms) for 1 keV X-rays
Charge handling capacity up to 400,000 signal electrons per pixel
Radiation hardness up to 1014 photons/cm2 at 10 keV