The Color X-Ray Camera (CXC) is PNDetectors’ high resolution spectroscopic X-ray imaging system based on our energy dispersive pnCCD detector and, optionally, polycapillary optics. The CXC is a stand-alone system with a complete electronic and data acquisition system, a full software package enabling camera operation and monitoring, data-acquisition and live visualization of the X-ray spectrum and spatially resolved elemental images. The camera can be operated in ambient conditions, as well as configured such that it can be integrated into a vacuum system, e.g. at a synchrotron beamline.

Key performance parameters in a single instrument:

  • 4D imaging: simultaneous time-, energy- and spatial resolution (xny)

  • Ultra-fast readout of up to 1000 fps

  • Wide energy range (200 eV - 30 keV)

  • Superior energy resolution for all X-ray events (145 eV for 6 keV)

  • High count rate of up to 106 stored counts/s

  • Outstanding quantum efficiency (80% for 500 eV, 90% for 10 keV, 30% for 20 keV)

  • Several external trigger and sync signal