用于高通量应用的 XRF 光谱仪灵活解决方案 (XRP-A)
is the perfect solution for any application where high count rate performance and throughput is the major goal. It is the compact version of a XRF detector system consisting of a hermetic sealed SDD Module with ASIC combined with a low noise preamplifier.
Based on High Flux SDD modules
Key Features
Compact XRF detector system for easy integration into customer equipment
SDD-Module with ASIC preamplifier for high count rate application
Excellent energy resolution also at short peaking times down to 100ns
High peak stability up to 1 Mcps
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[Translate to Chinese:] XRF Preamplifier Module XRP-A-30-128-BeP-MLC
XRP-A Block Diagram
Energy Resolution @ Moderate Chip Cooling
Throughput up to 1 Mcps ICR
Peak Stability
Superior Radiation Hardness
Quantum Efficiency of the SDD Chip and the Module with Beryllium Window
XRP-A 30 Dimensions in mm
Further Spectrometer Components
Supply Unit – XRU-A
supplies the operation voltages needed to operate the XRP-A and controls the cooling of the SDD to -20°C
Digital Pulse Processor - DPP
generates the spectrum from the analogue XRS output signal. It offers single spectrum generation as well as operation in mapping mode
[Translate to Chinese:] Supply Unit - XRU-A
[Translate to Chinese:] Digital Pulse Processor - DPP